This site is about The Laughter Network. It is non-benefit organization. they spread and promote the increase of laughter and expansion of joy! They tell us to touch everyone lives with laughter, for health, happiness and work-life balance.
The Laughter Network acts as starting laughter work and for specialist to be promoted, accessed and easily contacted. They held many kind of laughter event in Europe, for example, “Laughter Medicine”, “Laughter Yoga Leader Training”, “Laugh instead of Smoke”, “Baby Laugh”. If you are interested in, click this site.
1, laughternetwork

This is comedy animation. Do you know Golden Eggs? It likes that. In America, Japanese director make a film using American actor. Japanese and American comedies are mixed. But it is difficult for American to play Japanese comedy. So Interpreter explains what director want to tell. It is very funny, so click this site!!
2, workworkwatching
This is Japanese comedy TV program. It is difficult to tell because it is too details.
This woman imitate girl of high school student who take test of “Takarazuka” music school and she like gorilla. I have not seen Takarazuka's test, but I laughed very much. You should watch this!!
3, Japanese comedy
This site is about The Laughter Network. It is non-benefit organization. they spread and promote the increase of laughter and expansion of joy! They tell us to touch everyone lives with laughter, for health, happiness and work-life balance.
The Laughter Network acts as starting laughter work and for specialist to be promoted, accessed and easily contacted. They held many kind of laughter event in Europe, for example, “Laughter Medicine”, “Laughter Yoga Leader Training”, “Laugh instead of Smoke”, “Baby Laugh”. If you are interested in, click this site.
1, laughternetwork

This is comedy animation. Do you know Golden Eggs? It likes that. In America, Japanese director make a film using American actor. Japanese and American comedies are mixed. But it is difficult for American to play Japanese comedy. So Interpreter explains what director want to tell. It is very funny, so click this site!!
2, workworkwatching
This is Japanese comedy TV program. It is difficult to tell because it is too details.
This woman imitate girl of high school student who take test of “Takarazuka” music school and she like gorilla. I have not seen Takarazuka's test, but I laughed very much. You should watch this!!
3, Japanese comedy
5 件のコメント:
Your blog is very nice!
I am a big fun of Mariko Morita.
Especially, I love her performance,"Real gollila".
I think it is a little difficult for me to read "the Laughter Network"
But comedy animation you chose is really nice!
I like "GOLDEN EGGS" and "Komakasugite Tsutawaranai Mononane". They are so funny. I bursted out laughing when I watched your site.Your layout is cool. Your template is same as mine.
I enjoyed "workworkwatching"film.
Mix of japanese and english comedy seems to be difficult.
But the film was so interesting.
I'd like to try other "Golden Eggs"films.
The site of Laghter Netwark is very good. Everyone is look so happy. I really thought laght is very good for healthy.
I love "workworkwatching".This site is so funny!!In addition,in this site, the difference of the sense of laugh is clear between Japan and English countries.
I like "golden eggs". However I never watched "workworkwatching". It also became my favorite. Maroko Morita is so funny! It is just like you to choose so funny site:)